
The Minjiang River

Art Exhibitions


Artist Residency Program


Art festivals


Future Science and Art Museum





2006B, 布面油画,300x500cm, 2006




2009No.1B, 布面油画, 280x215cmx3, 2009


2008-2011No.1R,布面油画, 215x560cm, 2008-2011



 廖雯 2006.3.29

2008No.1B, 布面油画, 215x280cm, 2008






高岭 2007.11.28

       Where this differs from representative imitative theory realist style images limited to specific environments and external forms and there for unable to avoid much limitations in expression, the conceptual expression of the abstract space of unreality has the potential for limitless change; thought here are many abstract works of art, it is impossible to adequately unearth their appeal. Yang Liming’s early abstract works clearly bear these marks, but in most of his works of the past three years, especially the large oil paintings of the black series, he has irrefutably shown us the rich and abnormal visible appeal present when expressing the conceptual world of unreality. The seemingly so yet not muddled images in these works and the complex and confusing interplay of light and shadows are full of rhythmic linear harmony, releasing one heavy yet vivacious conceptual form after another.


2011-2013No.1R, oil on canvas, 150cm,2011-2013

        Traditional Chinese abstract inkpainting floats lithely yet loses its weighty texture; modern Western abstract art emphasizes the structure and torsion of space, but lacks in poetic comprehension. In bringing together the Chinese and Western aspects of abstract painting, Yang Liming enters through the recreation of his recognition of unreality, going deeply into the internal structure and patterns of painting and rises into the visual language forms of painting, gaining a convincing artistic expression, undoubtedly providing an effective case for the practice of Chinese conceptual art currently taking place. His practice in abstract art has provided a lively visual format for the exploration of an artistic spirit richly endowed in the Chinese aesthetic mentality. His artistic creations and the practices of other contemporary abstract artists have opened up the stylistic field of vision for Chinese contemporary art, and provided an important dimension for Chinese contemporary art in its excavations and improvements towards the depths of itself.

——'Virtual Unreality Yang Liming’s Abstract Artistic Narrative'
By Gao Ling  2007.11.28

 2012No.1G, oil on canvas, 75x90cm,2012


        Yang Liming belongs to the first generation of Chinese artists STARTED TO WORK SINCE THE BEGINNING OF the 21st century (has produced). They have been less contaminated by ideology, and have a reflexive awareness transformed by the creativity of classical Chinese culture, as well as recognition of the destiny of all art down through the ages. Because of this, the ‘ideological content’ of Yang Liming’s work is not empty political posturing, but a mature reflection on the fundamental connection between art and life. He approves of this description of his work:‘The renewal of close examination of the self while LOCKED (situated)in a territory isolated and cut off SITUATION ( from the world outside)’.Yes: isolated and cut off. Shallow theories of evolution can’t change this. What art can do is give non-stop confirmation of the increasing depth ANDWEIGHT of ONE’S (the) self (and the complexity of its component parts -- YL:WHAT‘STHIS?). So the sea of his art is flowing, not away, but into. It disputes with no-one, but is in amicable and equal discourse with the mighty soul of Art. On the THINKING (ideological) level, he has a sure and certain grasp of time and space: to be free of the logic of linear time does not at all mean that time has simply been denied or made to vanish, but that time has been absorbed and contained, has become an organic layer within space, initiating in its vast wandering the life force that is everything and everywhere. This inclusivity is extremely challenging, for as an artist who rejects adherence to fashion, his ego is directly exposed to the scrutiny of all the great classical masters. Can he stand up to this scrutiny? Yes, Yang Liming is self-aware enough for this. His paintings are, first and foremost, paintings. That is to say, they do not draw on second-rate philosophical excuses for support, but return to reliance on the skill of the artist’s hand, seeking to be QUALIFIEDFOR (judged) BOTH (neither on) CONCEPTIAL ANDTECHNICAL JUDGEMENTS. (concept nor on execution – although,) the more elevated the concept, the more it has to BECONFIRMED BY (confirm) the completeness of the form! Having reached this point, his attitude to the East is the same as his attitude to the West: not splitting THEM COLECTIVELY (into groups), but a complete INTROSPECTION (rethinking), and a synthesis. The Western tradition of oil painting and the insights of Chinese philosophy are both in his genes, and are both resources he can draw on. And why not? If we are innately hybrid creatures, the surely we can gloriously transcend both halves of our joint heritage. Perhaps this is the reason that the intellectual JOURNEY INSIDE OF (force of) Yang Liming’s work leads to visual beauty FINALLY. The canvases, are, each one, outstanding, lovely, and simple yet rich, serene yet animated, with the emotions implied by the ideas, and ideas flowing from emotions. (I originally wrote, FEELING AT THE DEPTH OFTHINKING? from the deepest emotions of thought.) Yang’s insight is expressed in this sentence of his: ‘I used to want to paint black blacker, but now I want to paint black transparent’. Will we too get to see the hidden source of the light? Black is light itself, if you have the strength to create it. The boundlessness of life is assumed into the ONE of art, and from the heights (depths) of the ONE our being here is made manifest. Is this ‘Eastern thought’? Or could it be the original realm of the human spirit?


                                         By Yang Lian  2011.11.15